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911 Articles

911 Pictures

911 Timeline

WTC Angels

Pentagon Angels

Flight 11 Angels

Flight 77 Angels

Flight 175 Angels

Flight 93 Angels

911 Police Angels

911 Firefighter Angels

All 911 Angels

Heaven 911

911 Heroes

911 Survivors




Flight 175 Angels

Flight 175 was a United Airlines flight that departed from Logan International Airport in Boston, Massachusetts, and had a destination of Los Angeles, California.

The plane took off at 8:14 a.m. and crashed into the South Tower of the World Trade Center at 9:03 a.m.

65 Angels were on the plane.

We remember and honor each of these precious 65 angels.

We miss them.

We love them.

Kevin Caruso
Founder, Executive Director, Editor-in-Chief
(America is a website.)

Flight Crew:

Robert Fangman

Michael Horrocks

Amy N. Jarret

Amy King

Kathryn L. LaBorie

Alfred Marchand

Victor Saracini

Michael C. Tarrou

Alicia Nicole Titus


Alona Avraham

Garnet Edward Bailey

Mark Bavis

Graham Andrew Berkeley

Touri Bolourchi

Klaus Bothe

Daniel R. Brandhorst

David Reed Gamboa Brandhorst

John Brett Cahill

Christoffer Carstanjen

John J. Corcoran

Dorothy Alma DeAraujo

Ana Gloria Pocasangre de Barrera

Lisa Frost

Ronald Gamboa

Lynn Catherine Goodchild

Peter Morgan Goodrich

Douglas A. Gowell

Francis E. Grogan

Carl Max Hammond

Peter Hanson

Sue Kim Hanson

Christine Lee Hanson

Gerald F. Hardacre

Eric Samadikan Hartono

James Hayden

Herbert W. Homer

Robert Adrien Jalbert

Ralph Francis Kershaw

Heinrich Kimmig

Brian Kinney

Robert George LeBlanc

Maclovio Lopez

Marianne MacFarlane

Louis Neil Mariani

Juliana Valentine McCourt

Ruth Magdaline McCourt

Wolfgang Peter Menzel

Shawn Nassaney

Marie Pappalardo

Patrick Quigley

Frederick Charles Rimmele

James Roux

Jesus Sanchez

Mary Kathleen Shearer

Robert Michael Shearer

Jane Louise Simpkin

Brian Sweeney

Timothy Ward

William Weems

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Copyright © by Kevin Caruso and America America