Please be advised that some of the 911 pictures
may be disquieting to view.
Please scroll down to view the 911 pictures on this page, or click below
to go to a specific page:
The South Tower is hit -- view from a nearby street.
The WTC on fire
(the Empire State Building is in the foregroud)
The South Tower collapses
The South Tower collapses
The North Tower collapses
Ground Zero viewed from above
The search for survivors begins
The search for survivors begins
The search for survivors begins
Fake 911 Photo
This IS NOT a real photo.
It is a hoax.
This person WAS NOT not at the WTC on 911.
This picture WAS NOT taken when a plane was approaching.
This is a FAKE picture that was digitally manipulated.
Unfortunately, it has been widely circulated and
many people believed it to be authentic.